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Dr. Mario - Nintendo GBA


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In the last 30 days, we have received Dr Mario 1x in stock. The price 14.99 euros, is an estimate.

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Boxshot Dr. Mario

Afbeelding voor  Dr Mario

Game trailer



Platform: GameBoy Advance (GBA)
For:GBA (SP/micro) & DS (lite)
Category:NES Classics nr 11
Genre:Puzzle, Arcade
Age:3+ years
Supported:GBA Link Cabel,
Wireless Adapter

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Images for Dr Mario


Help Dr. Mario fight the viruses with the right pills!
Help Dr. Mario fight the viruses with the right pills!
Combine the right color pill with the right color virus to fight them.
Combine the right color pill with the right color virus to fight them.
Afbeelding voor Dr Mario


Reviews for   Dr Mario

Reviews Dr. Mario

5 reviews - average rating 7,5

22 jaar
Dr. Mario is a variation of Tetris, without deep gameplay
You know Tetris! That's a given. You know, with those colored blocks you have to stack to form rows. Yes, that one! Dr. Mario looks very similar, but it has its own rules.

In Dr. Mario, your goal is to defeat viruses with colored pills. They descend from the top of the screen in the pill bottle and slowly move downwards. You need to align pills of the same color with the virus to eliminate it. Once you've made all the viruses in a level harmless, you can move on to the next level. The difficulty quickly ramps up, so try to get the hang of it fast.

You can also play the game with two players. Each player has their own pill bottle. The objective is to be the first to eliminate the viruses in your bottle. But you can also hinder your opponent! If you create rows of pills of the same color, your opponent will receive them in their bottle, making it more challenging for them! It's quite fun to give this a try! You will need a Game Boy Link Cable for this feature.

Dr. Mario is enjoyable to pick up occasionally for a few rounds, but you won't be playing for hours on end. It's not deep enough for that.

30 jaar
The NES classic now on your GameBoy Advance!
If there's one genre that's extra fun on mobile consoles, it's puzzling. With Dr. Mario, you can now play the Nintendo classic on your GameBoy Advance. Simple but very addictive. Not the most elaborate puzzle game, but one you keep coming back to. A must-have for puzzle fans!

14 jaar
Classic to the GBA
Dr. Mario, who first appeared in the NES classic of the same name, is now coming to the GBA. In this version of the game, all the addictive elements of the original are still intact, and now you have the advantage of being able to play this game anywhere, which of course wasn't possible with the NES classic.
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14 jaar
Very enjoyable but in the shadow of Tetris
I find Dr. Mario a very enjoyable game. Removing the viruses is a lot of fun. But personally, I always find Tetris more enjoyable. If you don't have both games yet, I would recommend getting Tetris first. If you like that, you can always buy Dr. Mario later.

16 jaar
Timeless puzzle game
A great addition to the Classic NES series, especially thanks to the brilliant wireless multiplayer function, but also because it's a timeless puzzle game. However, if you already have the Game Boy Advance version of "Wario Ware," you might want to skip this one, as Dr. Mario is included in that game.
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Mr M

Mr M. tells

Product Description

Wowie! Dr. Mario for the GameBoy Advance (GBA) is a Fantastic puzzle game that really gets your brain working! In this NES Classic release no. 11, you play as Mario, who is a doctor helping you defeat viruses with colored pills. The gameplay is simple yet addictive: you have to rotate and place the pills in a way to match three or more of the same color in a row to destroy the viruses. Developed by Nintendo, this game offers endless fun with various difficulty levels and an addictive multiplayer mode. It's like Tetris, but with a medical twist. Haha!

Historical Context

Dr. Mario originally appeared in 1990 for the NES and quickly became a classic. The game captured the hearts of millions of players with its unique combination of puzzles and strategy. Over the years, various remakes and sequels have been released on different Nintendo platforms, but the NES Classic release for the GBA brings back that original magic. Fantastic!

Expert Reviews

"Dr. Mario is a timeless puzzle classic that has maintained its charm and challenge over the years. The NES Classic release for the GBA is a must-have for any fan of the genre." - IGN
"With its simple yet addictive gameplay, Dr. Mario remains one of the best puzzle games ever made." - GameSpot

Is This For You?

This game is perfect for puzzle fans of all ages! Whether you're a nostalgic gamer who played the original NES version or a new player who loves addictive puzzles, Dr. Mario will not disappoint you. Also great for those who enjoy playing with friends, thanks to the multiplayer mode. And of course, if you're a Mario fan, then this game is a must-have in your collection. And that makes me super cheerful!

Similar Games

If you enjoy Dr. Mario, I also recommend trying games like "Tetris" and "Wario's Woods." Both are Fantastic puzzle games that will entertain you for hours. And don't forget "Yoshi's Cookie," another delightful puzzle game starring my best friend Yoshi!
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