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Castlevania Legends - GameBoy All in 1!


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Castlevania Legends is vrij zeldzaam, maar ooit krijgen we deze weer binnen. De prijs 99.99 euro, is een indicatie.

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Boxshot Castlevania Legends



Platform: Game Boy (GB)
For:GB, GBC & GBA (SP)
Age:6+ years

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kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Castlevania Legends

Tips en geheimen, cheats en codes

5 tips: 2 Secrets - 2 Cheats and Codes - 1 Personal tip

How do you unlock the secret ending in Castlevania Legends?
Big Boss
There is a secret ending in Castlevania Legends. To unlock this ending, you need to find all the special items before reaching the end!

Personal tip:
How to defeat all the bosses and see all the endings in Castlevania Legends?
Big Boss
17 jaar
Here you can find out how to defeat the bosses in Castlevania Legends and also watch all the endings!


Cheats and Codes:
How can I use the Level Codes in the Standard Mode of Castlevania Legends?
Big Boss
Enter the following codes at the main menu of Castlevania Legends to teleport to different places!

Level 2Code: Axe, Axe, Empty, Knife
Level 3Code: Axe, Cross, Empty, Candle
Level 4Code: Watch, Empty, Knife, Meat
Level 5-1Code: Watch, Holy Water, Meat, Candle
Level 5-2Code: Knife, Candle, Candle, Candle
BonusCode: Knife, Empty, Candle, Meat
Super PasswordCode: Meat, Candle, Candle, Meat
Read more tips and secrets.

Cheats and Codes:
How can I use the level codes in the Light Mode of Castlevania Legends?
Big Boss
Enter the following codes at the main menu of Castlevania Legends to teleport to different places!

Level 2Code: Cross, Axe, Axe, Watch
Level 3Code: Cross, Cross, Empty, Meat
Level 4Code: Candle, Axe, Watch, Candle
Level 5-1Code: Candle, Holy Water, Meat, Meat
Level 5-2Code: Meat, Candle, Candle, Meat
BonusCode: Meat, Empty, Meat, Candle

How do I reach the secret level in stage 5 of Castlevania Legends?
Big Boss
This secret level is located in stage 5 of Castlevania Legends. After defeating the first boss, you need to go through the doors to the next screen. Move forward, but stay on the right side, and eventually, you'll find a hole in the wall. You need to go through it. Once you're there, head to the platform below, where there's another hole you must pass through. As you fall down, you'll come across a candle that you need to touch. After getting the 1-Up candle, you'll land on a platform. On this platform, there's a white candle that you also need to touch. Then, you should step off the platform, but DO NOT leave the room. The floor beneath you will disappear. Go through it, and you'll enter the secret level!
Less tips and secrets.
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