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Pokémon Emerald Version - Nintendo GBA


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Pokémon Emerald Version Compleet
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Pokémon Emerald Version
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Pokémon Emerald Version
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Pokémon Emerald Version
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Pokémon Emerald Version Spaanstalig
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Pokémon Emerald Version Spaanstalig
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Boxshot Pokémon Emerald Version

Afbeelding voor  Pokemon Emerald Version

Game trailer



Platform: GameBoy Advance (GBA)
For:GBA (SP/micro) & DS (lite)
Genre:Adventure, RPG, Strategy
Age:3+ years
Supported:GBA Link Cabel,
Wireless Adapter,
GBA-GC Cable

Frequently Bought Together:

Images for Pokemon Emerald Version


Fight against legendary and less legendary Pokémons
Fight against legendary and less legendary Pokémons
Travel to different cities and try to defeat the gym leaders.
Travel to different cities and try to defeat the gym leaders.
Rayquaza, the legendary Pokémon at the heart of Pokémon Emerald!
Rayquaza, the legendary Pokémon at the heart of Pokémon Emerald!
Choose your starter Pokémon at the beginning of the game!
Choose your starter Pokémon at the beginning of the game!
Afbeelding voor Pokemon Emerald Version


Reviews for   Pokemon Emerald Version

Reviews Pokémon Emerald Version

8 reviews - average rating 9,6

26 jaar
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Pokémon Emerald Version

23 jaar
Pokémon region 'Hoenn' with a twist
Pokémon Emerald is the revision of Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire which brings along a number of improvements. These include moving sprites (as in Pokémon Crystal), a phone function in the PokéNAV (which is used multiple times during the main story and can be used as a tool), the ability to use the wireless receiver (in combination with Pokémon Leaf Green, Pokémon Fire Red, and Pokémon Emerald), the berry patch for 'Pokémon Ruby' and 'Pokémon Sapphire' (a link cable is required for this), and the biggest addition: 'the Battlefrontier'.
Additionally, it is possible to catch multiple legendary Pokémon in comparison to the previous games in the same series, as well as the mascot 'Rayquaza'.

I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Pokémon (even if you have already played Ruby, Sapphire, Omega Ruby, and/or Alpha Sapphire). Before playing this game, I had already completed Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, but due to the adjustments in the storyline, the story remains engaging. In comparison to the newer 'Pokémon Omega Ruby' and 'Pokémon Alpha Sapphire', this game offers new elements that keep me coming back to it regularly.
As I mentioned before, the "Battlefrontier" has been added, which provides hours of entertainment after completing the game. In this, you challenge the 7 different "frontiers" with their specific "frontierbrain" (final boss), similar to the well-known Pokémon gyms but more challenging and extensive. These "frontiers" correspond to those in the Anime, creating a fun connection between the Anime and the games.
Pokémon Emerald Version

20 jaar
Top-notch, a game of the highest quality
I see Pokémon Emerald Version as one of the best Pokémon games. The game offers a bit more challenge due to the higher levels of the Pokémon, trainers, and the number of Pokémon gym leaders have. The quality of the game is very good for that time, and I have never encountered a glitch myself.
Pokémon Emerald Version
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18 jaar
A must-have for every Pokémon enthusiast, playable on both a GBA and a Nintendo DS.
Pokémon Emerald is the ultimate Pokémon game for the Gameboy Advance. Released in 2004, just a few months before the Nintendo DS, Nintendo managed to harness the (limited) power of the GBA very effectively. Animations when your Pokémon enters the field, new sounds, and a vast map ensure an incredibly enjoyable gaming experience.
Pokémon Emerald can be compared to Pokémon Crystal as it brings innovation and serves as a beautiful introduction to the next generation. For those who have played Generation 4 Pokémon games, you'll notice only one difference, the graphics. The gameplay remains as straightforward as ever, even though the game utilizes only one screen.
Considering the rather poor sound quality of the GBA, the music in Pokémon Emerald has been adjusted to maintain a decent level of quality. Furthermore, the game cartridge of Pokémon Emerald Version is aesthetically pleasing, featuring a slightly transparent green color that stands out among the gray GBA games.
For any Pokémon lover, Pokémon Emerald comes highly recommended!
Pokémon Emerald Version

14 jaar
Pokemon at its best
Personally, I find Pokémon Emerald to be the best of the three because it is slightly more challenging than the other games due to the higher levels of trainer Pokémon. I also appreciate that the Gym Leaders, for example, have more Pokémon, which I really like. The option to rematch Gym Leaders is also a great feature. I definitely recommend this game to advanced players; otherwise, I would suggest starting with Sapphire or Ruby.
Pokémon Emerald Version

12 jaar
Pokémon like never before!
I consider Pokémon Emerald to be one of the best Pokémon games. The story is bigger and more extensive than in Ruby and Sapphire. You've moved to Hoenn where a new Pokémon adventure awaits you. You can choose between Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. Then your adventure really begins. You'll have to challenge your rival May or Brendan a few times, defeat the 8 gym leaders, and also stop Team Magma and Team Aqua. But that's not all! You'll also battle the Pokémon League Elite 4 and the champion. That's your ultimate goal, to become the Hoenn champion. After becoming champion, I think the game is 'completed,' but you can also battle in the Battle Frontier and try to catch them all. And that pretty much sums it up for me. The rest you'll have to discover for yourself.
Pokémon Emerald Version

25 jaar
Better than Ruby/Sapphire
I find Pokémon Emerald Version to play more smoothly than Ruby/Sapphire, so I definitely recommend this. One downside is that you need Pokémon specifically from Ruby or Sapphire to complete your Pokédex.
Pokémon Emerald Version

30 jaar
An old classic!
An old classic that I absolutely love, still to this day. Playing on the DS Lite combined with Platinum results in a perfect and enjoyable gaming experience. In the past, I didn't have a Game Boy or anything similar mainly because I had already received a different console (GameCube). There were few Pokémon games to play on that one. However, my brother and sister had them, so I became familiar with them too. Nowadays, you can buy Pokémon Emerald Version for lower prices, but they are not from Nintendo themselves, and I always go for the original. I'm trying to collect them as much as possible before they disappear. Still, I was surprised that I can still find this one! I would recommend these games to everyone, young or old. They're pure gold!
Pokémon Emerald Version
Less reviews.

Mr M

Mr M. tells

Product Description:

Wowie! Are you ready for a Fantastic adventure in the world of Pokémon? Pokémon Emerald Version for the GameBoy Advance (GBA) takes you to the Hoenn region, where as a young Pokémon Trainer, you set out to become the very best! In this game, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo, you embark on an epic journey filled with thrilling battles, mysterious ruins, and legendary Pokémon.

In Pokémon Emerald Version, you can choose between Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip as your starter Pokémon. Travel through various towns and natural areas, capture wild Pokémon, and challenge other trainers and the nefarious Team Aqua and Team Magma. This version introduces the Battle Frontier, a challenging area where you can test your skills as a trainer in various battle facilities. Fantastic, isn't it?

Historical Context:

Pokémon Emerald Version was released in 2004 and is the enhanced edition of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. The game builds upon the success of its predecessors by adding new features and enhancements such as the Battle Frontier and improved graphics. It quickly became a fan favorite and is still considered one of the best games in the Pokémon series.

Expert Reviews:

"Pokémon Emerald Version is a must-have for any Pokémon fan. It combines the best elements of Ruby and Sapphire while adding new challenges that keep the gameplay fresh and engaging." - IGN

"With its enhanced features and the introduction of the Battle Frontier, Pokémon Emerald Version offers hours of engaging gameplay and remains a standout title on the GameBoy Advance." - GameSpot

Target Audience:

Pokémon Emerald Version is perfect for both new players and seasoned Pokémon fans! Whether you're a young trainer starting your first adventure or an experienced collector looking to expand your collection, this game offers hours of fun and challenge. And let's be honest, who wouldn't want to become the best Pokémon Trainer?

Similar Games:

If you enjoy Pokémon Emerald Version, you'll definitely have a blast with Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, which bring the classic Kanto region adventures back to life. Other recommendations include Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the original games on which Emerald is based, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team for a unique Pokémon experience.

Additional Information:

Did you know that in Pokémon Emerald Version, you can catch both Kyogre and Groudon, alongside the legendary Rayquaza? This makes the game extra special and provides more options for your team composition. Fantastic, right? So what are you waiting for? Start your adventure today and become the ultimate Pokémon master!
kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Pokémon Emerald Version

Tips and secrets, cheats and codes

14 tips: 10 Secrets - 3 Personal tips - 1 Easter Egg/Glitch

Which starters are offered by Prof. Elm if you have all the Pokémon from Hoenn?
If you have caught all the Pokémon from Hoenn, Professor Elm will give you a choice between Chikorita, Totodile, or Cyndaquil.


How can I catch Kyogre in the Marine Cave of Pokémon Emerald Version?
Kyogre can be found in the Marine Cave (underwater).

You can only reach the Marine Cave after defeating the Elite 4 and it can be found on route 105, 125, 127, or 129. If you want to know on which of these routes you can find the Marine Cave, you should visit the weather center of Pokémon Emerald Version.

Do keep in mind: if you take too long searching, the Marine Cave will already be in a different location!

Where can I find all the legendary Pokémon locations in Pokémon Emerald?
In the video below, you can see the locations of all the legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Emerald Version.

Read more tips and secrets.

What are the odds of encountering a Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald Version?
The chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon (a Pokemon with a different color than usual) is 1 in 8192, so if you encounter one in Pokémon Emerald Version, make sure to catch it for sure!

How can I perform the Volt Tackle glitch in Pokémon Emerald?
Ever wondered if you can get the move Volt Tackle in the game? Well, you can! You need to leave a Pikachu and a Raichu at the Pokémon Daycare (at the same time!). One of these two Pokémon must hold a Light Ball. Now, you just have to wait until you receive an egg. From that egg, a Pichu with Volt Tackle will hatch!

Note: This glitch only works on Pokémon Emerald, and make sure Pikachu and Raichu are not the same gender!

Personal tip:
Can I increase my chances of finding a shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Emerald Version on the GameBoy Advance?
15 jaar
Unfortunately, it's not possible to increase your shiny odds in the gen 3 games of Pokémon Emerald Version. It remains at 1/8192.

Personal tip:
How can I get Professor Birch's phone number in Pokémon Emerald Version?
14 jaar
Once you've received your in-game phone, you can visit Professor Birch to have him evaluate your Pokémon Emerald Version. Alternatively, you can wait for him to call you later in the game, that way you'll have his number saved as well.

How can I find fossils in the Desert Tower in Pokémon Emerald Version?
Once you've obtained the GO-Goggles, a tower becomes visible in the desert of Pokémon Emerald Version. Inside this tower, 2 fossils are hidden. You can choose 1 of these fossils, the other one will disappear, but after defeating the Elite 4 and returning to this spot, you can get the 2nd fossil.

How can I get a Pokémon egg with a Wynaut from the old lady at the hot spring next to the Pokémon Center in Pokémon Emerald Version?
Talk to the old lady standing in front of the steam bath (next to the Pokemon center) in Pokémon Emerald Version to receive a Pokemon egg. Inside the egg, you'll find a Wynaut.

How do I find Beldum in Pokémon Emerald after defeating the Elite 4?
After defeating the Elite 4 in Pokémon Emerald Version, you need to head to Steven's house in Mossdeep. There's a Poké Ball on the table with a Beldum inside.

Personal tip:
What are the odds of catching two shiny Spinda with the same pattern?
12 jaar
Spinda is a Pokémon with red spots on its body. These spots always have a different pattern. But did you know that there are more than 4.2 trillion different patterns in Pokémon Emerald Version? What makes this even more interesting is the question: How likely are you to catch 2 shiny Spindas with the same pattern?

Well, that's 1 in 288,230,376,200,000,000!

How can I obtain unobtainable Pokémon in Ruby/Sapphire?
Some Pokémon need to be transferred from other games to complete the Pokédex. Here I list them for you.


How can I get the rarest/best berry in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald? (And maybe a few Wynaut)
Every day in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, there's a 1/10000 chance of encountering Mirage Island on Route 130. This is where you can find Liechi berries, the rarest/best of all berries for Pokemon contests! The slim chance is determined by a specific value of your Pokemon that must match your secret ID (a secret trainer ID that you can only find if you hack your game), so the more Pokemon you have, the greater the chance!


Easter Eggs and Glitches:
How to Clone Pokémon in Emerald?
Some requirements for cloning in Pokémon Emerald are that you need to be in the end-game, you must have defeated the elite 4, and have access to the Battlefrontier.

Step 1: Enter the Battletower.
Step 2: Go to the top right to the PC and deposit the Pokémon you want to clone in the box. (preferably an empty box)
Step 3: Close the PC and save your game.
Step 4: Walk to the nearest counter and talk to the NPC. Go through the conversation, she will ask if you want to participate in the Battletower Challenge. Accept this and choose two Pokémon.
Step 5: She will ask if you want to save the game. Select ''YES''.
Step 6: CAUTION, while saving the game, you must turn off the GBA/NDS immediately! So not after saving but during saving.
Step 7: Restart your game, you will see that the cloned Pokémon is in your party and in your box!

For more explanation, follow the video below of Pokémon Emerald Version!

Less tips and secrets.
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