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Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue - Nintendo GBA


Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
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Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
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6 Months warranty
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Boxshot Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue

Afbeelding voor  Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue

Game trailer



Platform: GameBoy Advance (GBA)
For:GBA (SP/micro) & DS (lite)
Genre:Action, RPG
Age:3+ years

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Afbeelding voor Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue


Mr M

Mr M. tells

Product Description

Wowie! Ready for a Fantastic adventure with Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue for the GameBoy Advance? In this thrilling game, you'll follow Lan Hikari and his NetNavi, MegaMan.EXE, as they explore a cybernetic world full of action and strategy. The gameplay combines RPG elements with strategic battles on a grid field, where you collect chips to execute powerful attacks. This installment in the series introduces new chips, advanced tactics, and an enhanced story mode, making it a must-have for any fan!

Historical Context

Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue was released in 2002 and quickly became a hit among GBA gamers. It was one of the first games to introduce the concept of NetBattling, allowing players to customize their NetNavis and battle against others. The game has garnered a loyal fan base over the years and is still praised for its innovative gameplay and engaging storyline.

Expert Reviews

IGN describes Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue as "a delightful blend of strategy and action, offering hours of engaging gameplay." GameSpot adds: "The new chips and improved story mode make this a standout title for the GBA."

Is This For You?

This game is perfect for fans of strategic RPGs and Mega Man enthusiasts. Players who enjoy deep customization options and tactical battles will find this game Fantastic! Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting out, Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue offers something for everyone.

Similar Games

If you enjoy Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue, you'll definitely love Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun and Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Colonel. Both games offer similar strategic battles and captivating stories. And the best news? We ship 6 days a week, so you'll have your next adventure in no time! How exciting!
Reviews for   Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue

Reviews Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue

1 review - rating 8,5

26 jaar
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue

kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue

Tips and secrets, cheats and codes

8 tips: 5 Secrets - 3 Easter Eggs and Glitches

How can I find 300,000 Zenny for free in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue?
Big Boss
After you have obtained all three Tomes in the "Legendary Tomes" in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue, don't head back to the Ghost Navi just yet. Instead, make your way to the peculiar-looking statue in the teachers' lounge at the ACDC school. Investigate the statue to discover 300,000 Zenny.

How to defeat Bass in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue?
Big Boss
After completing the secret area by defeating Serenade, use the 10-bug bug Trader 30 times, exchanging a total of 300 bugs. Then leave the secret area (exit the internet and go back in). When you return to the Bug Trader in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue, Bass will appear fused with Gospel and attack you. If you defeat him, you will receive the Bass chip.

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
Can you walk through the Time Trial Navi in Secret Area 2?
Big Boss
In Secret Area 2, near a warp point where the Time Trial Navi is positioned slightly to the left in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue, you can enter the corner behind him. If you press in the right spot, you can walk through him.
Read more tips and secrets.

Which secret bosses are available after defeating Alpha in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue?
Big Boss
After defeating Alpha, secret bosses become available to you in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue.

Alpha Omega (WWW Island)Obtain all seven stars.
Bass GS (Secret Area 3)Defeat Serenade, trade in 300 Bugfrags at Bugfrag Trader, exit Secret Area, and return to BF Trader.
DarkMan (Secret Area 1, V3 in Undernet 6)Have at least 140/200 in Standard Chip Library.
JapanMan (Secret Area 2, V3 in samurai armor)Have at least one Giga-chip.
Serenade (Secret Area 3)Have a library of 200/200.

How do you earn the stars in Mega Man Battle Network 3?
Big Boss
There are 7 stars that you can obtain, which appear next to the main title screen once you have met the objectives.

Yellow Star (Star 1)Defeat the original alpha.
Green Star (Star 2)Defeat Bass GS in Secret Area 3, after defeating Dark Man, Japan Man, and Serenade
Light Blue Star (Star 3)Beat all "Time Trial" times of Serenade in Secret Area 1, 2, and 3.
Blue Star (Star 4)Complete your Standard Chip Library (200 Chips)
Purple Star (Star 5)Complete your Mega Chip library (85 Chips)
Red Star (Star 6)Defeat ALL 15 Omega Navis. (Must use code to unlock Omega Navis)
Orange Star (Star 7)Complete your P.A. [Program Advance] library (32 combos)

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
How does the 11th chip trick work to use the 2nd chip in your folder during battles?
Big Boss
With this trick, you can use the 2nd chip in your folder at any time during battle. First, you need Custom Style to level up completely, then you get another Custom Style and start leveling it up. You need enough Custom+ NaviCust programs to make Custom+5. Install the mentioned NaviCust parts. Now, in battle, load any chip, move the cursor over the 10th chip, and press right. In the picture, an "11th" chip will be visible. There are two ways to proceed from here. If the 11th chip can be selected normally with the chip you currently have selected, you can now select it, and the chip in your first slot will become the second chip in your folder (the second chip in the list when viewing the full contents of your folder). If the 11th chip does NOT match, you can also deselect the selected chip(s) and select the 11th chip. Instead of getting the 11th chip in battle, you will get the 2nd chip in your folder!

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
How can I duplicate chips in 2-player versus mode of Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue?
Big Boss
In 2-player versus mode, the game can be tricked by copying the data of the chips used, allowing players to duplicate chips. This glitch works in both versions.

First, start the game Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue and begin a real match, where the winner receives a chip from the loser's pack. Once the battle is over and the battle results screen appears, the winner must press A once to reveal the chip just won. Once the chip is revealed, the loser must turn off their game without pressing any buttons. This allows the loser to keep their otherwise lost chip and still place it in the winner's chip pack, duplicating the chip.

Make sure the loser is the one who turns off their game; if the winner turns off their game, the winner will not keep the chip while the loser still loses it, resulting in the chip being destroyed.

How can I obtain battle chips on a mega level using the Omega Navis Code?
Big Boss
To obtain a substantial number of these battle chips, you need to use the Omega Navis Code. Those who require this code to be active are marked (SP).

AlphaArm Omega(SP) After defeating all Omega Navis, defeat Alpha Omega
Bass+Defeat the hidden boss: Bass GS
BeastMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: BeastMan Omega
BowlMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: BowlMan Omega
BubbleMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: BubbleMan Omega
DarkAuraComplete the Serenade time trials
DarkMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: DarkMan Omega
DeltaRayObtained through Link Battling White version (random)
DesertMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: DesertMan Omega
DrillMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: DrillMan Omega
FlameMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: FlameMan Omega
FlashMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: FlashMan Omega
FolderBackPurchased for 200 BugFrags in a hidden shop in UnderNet 2
GutsMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: GutsMan Omega
KingMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: KingMan Omega
MetalMan V5(SP) Defeat the hidden boss: MetalMan Omega
Less tips and secrets.
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